Venture funds 03

Business funding helps small and medium-sized business for all their financial needs. This ranges from technology (hardware & software) and equipment finance to working capital finance. We offer SMME finance that backs entrepreneurs.

Efficient cash flow management is the lifeblood of any business. At Venture funds, we live this – which is why we offer SMME finance through our business partners. Our various finance products help your business to retain cashflow – so you can use the cash where it should be used.

Here at Venture funds we specialise in business funding and assists in managing & implementing the finance process for businesses from start to end. We have South Africa’s largest network of finance partners that include venture capital companies, private equity firms, government BEE initiatives, banks, angel funds, crowd funds, Silicon Cape investment companies and rent to own funding initiatives. National fund parameters vary and range from R50,000 from institutes such as the Gauteng Enterprise Propeller up to R250 million through institutes such as the KZN Growth Fund.