The Global Business Services incentive is credited by the industry for incentivising 80% of the employment growth in the Global Business Services sector. Notwithstanding the significant job losses in the South African economy in 2020, according to the industry body BPESA, the Global Business Services sector managed to create 17 354 new jobs servicing the international market largely in retail; utilities and energy; and telecoms industry verticals. 87% of these new jobs were for youth (aged 18-34 years). The country has built an international reputation as a high quality, cost-effective location for outsourced business services, ranked the 2021 top location for outsourced services, having captured the second-place position for three consecutive years. Key to the cost-effective value proposition, is the role of the Global Business Services incentive in reducing the operating costs for new jobs in this sector.

An attractive cash grant for creation of new offshore jobs in South Africa

The Global Business Services incentive targets investors that are looking to locate their shared services centres, customer service centres or centres of excellence in South Africa to service offshore markets. The incentive applies for both captive and outsourced operations. With as little as a commitment to create 30 new jobs3 targeted at youth, within three years and a three-year fixed-term contract for offshore activities, a project could qualify for the Global Business Services cash grant.  

Global Business Services applicants are required to start or expand existing operations in order to engage in global business services


  • Slight differential on the base incentive offered at each level as well as expected job creation
  • Bonus incentive ranges between 20%-30% for both incentive however there is a slight differential on the job creation above minimum thresholds

Global business services include:

  • Finance and accounting services
  • Human resources function
  • Contact centres
  • Back office processes
  • IT and technical services

Should you be interested in applying for the incentive, Dream Team Capital can assist you. Contact us today for professional assistance in streamlining your application for the Global Business Services Incentive.