Sector Specific Assistance Scheme Mandatory Requirements

  • A fully completed application form, available on the dtic website.
  • Incomplete, non-compliant and late applications will be rejected at receiving stage.
  • The project coordinator/applicant must provide a copy of their structured export development programme for the emerging exporters included in their application.
  • The three comparable quotations must be sourced from B-BBEE compliant service providers (excluding international service providers).
  • All applications for missions must be submitted four (4) months prior to the event date and for exhibitions, at least three to eight (3 – 8) months prior to the event date.
  • All benefits except for digital event sample courier costs, will be paid up- front to the approved service providers and will include all qualifying expenditure as approved by the EMIA/SSAS adjudicating committee such as air tickets, ground transport, accommodation, exhibition costs, brochures/marketing material, transport of samples and specialised training.


  • Assistance is limited to registered qualifying entities.
  • Expenses related to Sole Proprietors, Consultants and officials or representatives of Provincial Investment and Local Economic Development Agencies, Export Councils and SEDA, are excluded.
  • Qualifying emerging exporters may participate four (4) times in a calendar year and cumulatively, up to twelve (12) times, in this SSAS incentive.
  • The focus is on internationally and locally recognised exhibitions/virtual trade event and mission participation, with the aim of developing emerging exporters.
  • A minimum of ten (10) to a maximum of twenty (20) entities, will be assisted to participate in a qualifying event.
  • The costs of subsistence allowance, visa and cost of duties on products sold at the physical exhibition/virtual trade event, are excluded from the qualifying expenditure.
  • The assistance is not available for physical events taking place in the period 15 December up to and including 5 January of each year (virtual trade excluded).
  • The project coordinator and the participants, will be jointly and severally liable for costs incurred for non-participation at the event.
  • The project coordinator will cover any additional costs incurred by the service provider/s, that were not approved by the dtic.
  • Events that cannot be verified by the dtic, will not be considered.
  • Only the lowest quotation from service providers will be considered.
  • Consultants will not be allowed to submit applications or claims on behalf of the coordinators/applicants. Applications or projects facilitated by a consultant, will be rejected.

Should you be interested in applying for the incentive, Dream Team Capital can assist you. Contact us today for professional assistance in streamlining your application for the Sector Specific Assistance Scheme.